Final Game Design Document


  1. Hi Adam! Good job on finishing your final DunDoc! I see you put a lot of effort into it, buuuut.... you could write a little post for it, rather than just putting in the link, haha.
    Anyway, onto the document... I like that you came up with a whole story of the game, I wonder though, you included "pure enough to survive" in your Story tab. As the game continues, will the player ever find out what it means? I'm also extremely curious what will be behind the door... Actually. You could make the "behind the door" another level, but far worse - darker, creepier, harder to survive in, but also that's where you find out more things... but that is up to you.
    Anyway, good job and good luck creating the prototype.

  2. Hey Corby! You've a good Dundoc here I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. The background story sounds really cool how did you come up with that? I need to know what's behind that door! Will there be a points system or anything like that? I think Ada's comment up there ^ makes a good point about what could be behind the door. You could even do it as another creepy darker world. Maybe you could throw in some aliens there? Aliens are always relevant. Great post!


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