Unity tutorial 5

Hey guys, today we`ll be looking at a few different things in Unity.

The first thing that I looked at is adding in a skybox and wind. A skybox is basically a package that is downloaded from the assets store to use in your unity project. The tutorials were very helpful, but I still had trouble with some of the coding. I found it quite easy to work out the type of lighting that I wanted to use. I ended up sticking with Nostalgia 1. The addition of wind also added to the atmosphere of the game, and but I struggled for quite a while to get that right. I am starting to realize just how important every small detail is to make a game.

Next, I started to work on the fade screen. I found this easy enough once I followed the tutorials step by step. The final tutorial was about the environment and how to add in an old house from assets shop and altering the lighting to make it look as realistic as possible in the game. Lastly there was a small section of debugging, which is very useful for cleaning up and polishing the games finer details.


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